Thursday, January 26, 2012

{Faith} Wise Hearts

"If we want wise tongues, we need wise hearts. Here are a few ways to get there.
1. Don’t be wise in your own eyes (Prov. 3:7). You may be wrong, incorrect, mistaken. Admit it.
2. Heed God’s Word. When you hear it or read it, do it. Apply it. (Prov. 16:20).
3. Be teachable (Prov. 10:8). Don’t assume you have nothing to learn.
4. Receive correction yourself (Prov. 10:17). Even when you don’t like the way the correction comes.
5. Seek knowledge and store it up (Prov. 15:14 and 10:14).
6. Let your heart be taught first, and it will teach your mouth (Prov. 16:23).
7. Don’t fake love (Prov. 10:18). Ask God for supernatural love; don’t rely on your own supply of human, fallible love.
8. Don’t talk too much. Weigh your words! (Prov. 10:19)
9. Feed people (build them up) with your mouth, and you will be fed yourself (Prov. 13:2).
10. Guard your mouth (Prov. 13:3). Pray with the psalmist: “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and keep the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3"
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